Hello Bibites! That is my new name for my fans and new visitors alike! It's to believe that after talking about this adventure for two years, this week has finally arrived. The Chinese must be getting nervous on many levels. This Olympics is their coming out party and I can't imagine how difficult it is to loosen your power grip. After all this is still a communist country with tight control. The story this week of the media storm over their blocking access to dissident information, caused the Chinese government to back down and remove the firewall on the internet (did not apply to Tibet). For the next three weeks, centuries of privacy are out the window. Not sure they will ever be able to close it ago, but this is Chinese we are talking, so don't under estimate them.
But anyway I have some Bibi advice this week. Remember Murphy's law...if it can go wrong, it will! So don't worry about being perfect and the best. Just do your best, have a backup plan, and we will love all your effort and showmanship the same. If something goes wrong, laugh it off (of course as long as no one gets hurt), say "Oh, Murphy's law" and keep moving. The majority of people only see flaws if you point them out.
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