Bibi is turning into a techno geek...lol! You can now follow me on Twitter...Bibicomic and on Facebook under Bibi Andrade!
How fabulous!
I was suppose to start blogging again, but I have been so busy creating, there hasn't been much time to blah, blah! Just know that I am still here on sunny Miami Beach, where there has been a cool breeze going on for 3 months straight...amazing! I have not had to turn on the air conditioner since early December. I didn't know how to react when I saw how low my electric bill was.
There is just so much to do and not enough time (because I need my sleep) in a day. And by the way I really dislike daylight savings time. It has disrupted my working routine. I like getting up early in the morning at dawn with sun rising a little after 6 AM. I like the morning light. It's gives me my daily vitamin D and my brain works well. During daylight saving time, my groove gets a late start and I feel out of sync. I guess I have to get over it!
Till next time!
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